Last year at this time I was HUGE pregnant with my fourth child. Complaining that I had to cook for thanksgiving, my house was too small for everyone that was coming, cleaning, preparing for the Christmas to come, sad my baby would be born with problems, I couldn't bend over to tie my shoes. WOW I thought I had it bad.
Isn't it funny how your attitude changes. Let me tell you about this year, this year I begged my family to come, I cried when they couldn't, I love that my house is too small, it brings us closer together. I'm proud of my self that after surgery I can still tie my shoes. And for the holidays...I get to see my baby on her first birthday what a blessing, so what if she has kidney problems, she is here.
Those of you that know me, see a smile on my face daily, I have a good attitude, I appreciate the simple things.
I'm not worried about if my daughters hair is perfect anymore or if my sons jeans have holes in them. Also, things like Steve's job being dangerous, a car way too small for our big family, my hair growing back weird and so on. Hey, we got a job, we got a house, a car and I have hair!!
I am beyond grateful to be here on earth. I get to see little faces everyday I wake up. When Steve hugs me I feel it now. I've learned so much in this short time. I've matured well beyond my age. I've learned how to be grateful for just being alive. Being on the earth and enjoying family and friends. When you realize how short life is, in a blink of an eye it could all end, you really truly appreciate the small things.
I am grateful this year for the simple things that are so easily looked over in a mothers busy daily life. STOP and enjoy your husband, your babies and friends....
you never know when He is going to call you back home.