Here's a really special story I wanted to share, this story is from a sweet family friend in Texas. Her husband is in school and they have very little money right now. They live on a very tight budget, and only had $20.00 to give. Looking at the large $100,000 I need to get treatment they thought their donation was going to be to small. So my dear friend the creative mother she is, took the $20.00 went to the store and bought stuff for a bake sale and lemonade stand. She and her children stood outside in the hot sun all day and sold lemonade. So they could earn more money for our family. At the end of the long day they were able to triple their money. They were so excited about what they had done.
What an amazing teaching opportunity this was. When I heard of the sacrifice and love this sweet family showed for us, it was almost unbearable to hear. I'm still in tears.
This is sacred money. I know this... and I am so grateful.
I have many, many more stories like this one I will be sharing
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